Amazing Bioidentical Creams are 100% Natural with MSM, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil & Aloe Vera Gel.
Thinking ahead isn’t easy. But it’s still easier than having to REDO or FIX mistakes.
Take the time to put your Health FIRST. You are MORE than WORTH IT! You are AMAZING and DESERVE the absolute best.
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This is a very good question because there is no research done beyond 10 years in women taking hormones to determine how long it is “safe” to continue using hormones.
Not sure which Bioidentical Cream to choose? You are only a few questions away from Knowing Which May be BEST FOR YOU ....Â
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for you to choose from.Â
Targeted to get long-term results. Find the Root of Symptoms with Home Testing and Start Your Journey to Optimizing and Balanced Wellness.
Why choose bioidentical hormones? Don’t be fooled! Patented pharmaceutical hormones are “look-alike” molecules - NOT bioidentical hormones! Bioidentical Hormones are identical in every way to the hormones our own bodies create. Pharmaceutical “look-alike” hormones are not identical and are known to increase the risks of serious disease. Bioidentical hormones DO NOT cause disease. You can trust the quality of our products. We proudly use ONLY organic-sourced, made-in-America, USP Grade bioidentical hormones.