Betaine is the first line of defense against harmful bacteria that enter the intestines after ingestion.

Betaine is the first line of defense against harmful bacteria that enter the intestines after ingestion.
How Betaine Protects the Gut
Insufficient stomach acid can compromise gut health because stomach acid not only helps your body to break down foods as part of the digestion process but is also necessary when it comes to protecting your gut from harmful microorganisms.
Betaine helps the body break down foods. It's essential the body process food properly because poorly digested food doesn't deliver its full nutritional benefits and as a result, cause nutritional deficiencies that lead to more serious health issues. Hydrochloric acid or HCl is the key ingredient needed to break down foods. Optimal digestion is impeded when the stomach has insufficient amounts of this acid. Betaine can boost HCl in the stomach.
Betaine Improves the Symptoms of Hashimoto's
Betaine may boost energy levels in people with Hashimoto's disorder. During the digestion process, the body expends a lot of energy. People with Hashimoto's often have inadequate amounts of essential stomach acid necessary for digestion. Betaine helps increase stomach acid, which reduces the amount of energy required during the digestion process, resulting in a boost in energy levels.
Betaine or trimethylglycine (TMG), is an amino acid found in beets -- where scientists originally discovered it -- and many other foods including shellfish, brown rice, quinoa, spinach, sweet potato, turkey breast, veal, and beef.
Betaine works by preventing the build-up of an amino acid called homocysteine. This amino acid can harm blood vessels and contribute to heart disease, stroke, or circulation problems.
Betaine Improves Brain Function
Consumption of betaine indirectly increases serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine when the amino acid produces methionine. These hormones are beneficial when it comes to treating depression and anxiety. Some studies have shown betaine can improve symptoms associated with autism by increasing choline and methionine levels and normalizing the methionine cycle. Betaine also acts as an antioxidant, which helps combat oxidative stress.
Harvest Harmony is comprised of a proprietary blend of digestive enzymes along with betaine HCL to support optimal digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. This product contains the special protease DPP IV (dipeptidyl peptidase IV), which aids in the breakdown of casomorphin (from casein) and gluteomorphin (from gluten). Harvest Harmony also includes the enzyme lactase, which helps break down the dairy sugar lactose. The use of Harvest Harmony before meals may be helpful when experiencing gas and bloating after eating, constipation, or a feeling of fullness after eating only a small quantity of food.
PROMOTE OPTIMAL DIGESTION - Harvest Harmony is comprised of a proprietary blend of digestive enzymes along with betaine HCl to support optimal digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
TAKE BEFORE MEALS - The use of Harvest Harmony before meals may be helpful for those experiencing occasional gas and bloating after eating, constipation, or a feeling of fullness after eating only a small quantity of food.
SYNERGISTIC ENZYME BLEND - Contains protease DPP IV (dipeptidyl peptidase IV), which aids in the breakdown of casomorphin (from casein) and gluteomorphin (from gluten). The enzyme lactase helps break down the dairy sugar lactose.
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