Bloating is Pretty Common Starting in Midlife. Find out Why?

Bloating is pretty common starting in midlife and there are really quite a number of reasons that can be causing it.
Most people who have experienced bloating describe the sensation as a feeling of fullness or tightness within the abdominal area that can range from mild discomfort to severe pain.
During menopause, estrogen levels erratically fluctuate and bloating becomes more chronic. Also, progesterone is a natural diuretic, so when progesterone levels are below where they should be, women may also experience bloating.
While having too much estrogen can lead to bloating, having too little estrogen can also contribute to abdominal discomfort.
Estrogen has a job to do it the stomach and pancreas - just as it has jobs to do keeping your skin more elastic, hair smooth and shiny, bones strong, brain sharp, and heart vessels cleaner!
And THAT job is to send the signal to the stomach and pancreas to stimulate the production of digestive juices and digestive enzymes! As Estrogen declines, there is actually less digestive enzymes secreted since there is a reduction in the signal to your stomach and pancreas to do so!
Bile production decreases. Bile is fluid produced by the liver that aids in digestion. Bile helps to emulsify fats from the foods we eat and aids in cholesterol synthesis. It also acts a lubricant for our small intestines. Without proper lubrication, stool can accumulate within the small intestines and cause bloating, as well as constipation.
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