What is Insulin Resistance? And What are Signs and Symptoms?

When you have Insulin Resistance, your body is not able to take in the glucose in your blood stream and therefore the glucose is accumulating in your blood. Your body first fills its storage of Glycogen in the liver in efforts to decrease circulating blood glucose.
However, your body stores only a small amount of glycogen at any one time. In fact, all of the glycogen stored in your liver and muscles would not last you through a single active day. Therefore, once you have filled up your glycogen stores, the rest of the glucose in your blood stream is stored as fat.
So the idea of consuming a high complex-carbohydrate, low-saturated-fat diet is absolutely ridiculous, and one of the causes of obesity in America.
Yes, Americans themselves are to blame for many of the causes of obesity, but the teachings that a high complex carbohydrate diet is the very type of diet one should eat absolutely eludes me.
A high complex-carbohydrate diet is nothing more than a high-glucose diet. You are just asking to be obese.
Your body is going to store the excess glucose as fat quite readily.
Weight loss occurs fastest with a low carb diet also the body’s basal metabolic rate decreases the LEAST with the highest fat diet.
If you fall into any of the following categories, you may consider tightening up the carbohydrates just a little further for faster, fat busting results.
The following pertains to you if you:
1. Have Insulin Resistance
2. Have Metabolic Syndrome
3. Have Prediabetes or Diabetes Type 2
4. Have been on a lot of low calorie diets, have yo-yoed up and down, and now have a slow metabolism
5. Carry most of fat in your mid section
These are all actual signs of Insulin Resistance, and makes you a prime candidate to use just a little tighter control of carbohydrates.
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