Thank you for taking the frist step to Committing to make 2021 your Most Successful Year Ever with Daily Support and Guidance by the Women’s Midlife Specialist and her team!
This is a great opportunity to be a part of the Squeaky Clean 2 LEAN 2021 Weight Loss, Detox and Gut Health Program.
Because of our OVERWHELMING RESPONSE and SHORTAGE on Seats Available - We want to make sure you ARE A GOOD FIT FOR THE PROGRAM and if not we are here to find the best program to work for you.
TO JOIN - Simply complete a few questions below and Dr. Karen will review within the next few days. A program team member will contact you to set up a time to meet with Dr. Karen (a 15 min or less call) to congratulate you into the program or find your best fit. Dr. Karen want to make sure you succeed and are ready to meet the challenges of this ELITE program.

(insert form)
What Questions do you want on this FORM?
$100 Refundable Deposit to Apply and Have your Application Reviewed. $100 Deposit is applied towards your program.
(ask David to create a $100 payment form on formsite)