Happy Hoo Hoo - Good News and Bad News 🙂
We have always committed to sharing with you the finest bioidentical hormones and suppositories possible - even through the many years of fighting with big Pharma.
Dr. Karen has been a proponent of Bioidentical Hormones both topically and intravaginally since she was in her early 30s when her mother was one of the first women to use Bioidentical Hormones in the United States. Her mother’s gynecologist took Dr. Karen under her wing to teach Dr. Karen about bioidenticals before she had even entered Medical School. Her mother’s gynecologist even allowed Dr. Karen to observe gynecological surgeries as a young college student, because she saw great promise in Dr. Karen. Dr. Karen's commitment to help midlife women, who struggle to be heard by the medical community, has stayed with her throughout her career.
What you may not be aware of are the multitude of stumbling blocks and walls that Women's Midlife Specialist has faced to protect your rights. Dr. Karen has been a part of a national committee to preserve the rights of men and women to have access to bioidentical hormones and suppositories. This committee has worked tirelessly for your rights.
Through their efforts, we are still able to provide you with our Young Hormones ® highest-quality, safe, effective products, with precise amounts of bioidentical hormones used topically; however, big Pharma has successfully convinced the FDA to strip your rights to obtain suppository bioidentical hormones over the counter. This means we can no longer supply you with our suppositories.
But Dr. Karen and the entire staff at Women's Midlife Specialist have not stopped for one second to assure you get the bioidentical products that you need for a healthy and youthful vagina. We have been working to develop a NEW form of Happy Hoo Hoo. Instead of a suppository, it will be in gel form - very similar to our body’s natural secretions and contain the same bioidentical ingredients as the Happy Hoo Hoo suppositories. We are sure you will love it. Maybe even more than the suppositories!
The Voluptuous Va-JJ and the Intimate Voluptuous Va-JJ!
We are so excited to have succeeded in getting these products through the many channels required for you! It has been a major challenge to overcome the obstacles we have faced with Big Pharma’s control for so many years. But we have succeeded!
Now the final challenge surrounds keeping it affordable for all of you, our much-valued customers. It's difficult enough to have a product created and manufactured by a trusted source right here in North America, and it is even harder to keep the cost down. We are working as quickly as possible with several companies to assure you have both the absolute best product and the best price.
Unfortunately, it may still be up to 3 months before the NEW Voluptuous Va-JJ products are available online. The Voluptuous Va-JJ will be available first followed by the Intimate Voluptuous Va-JJ.
When you get your hands on our NEW Voluptuous Va-JJ products, we are so confident you will be delighted with the quality and price!
We surely wish it could all move a lot more quickly, but affordability and quality take time, and we don't want to compromise on either of these aspects. We have made it through rough times before when big Pharma demanded we stop the production of our first Happy Hoo Hoo with DHEA. And we overcame that with great success by Dr. Karen's keen understanding of the Hormone Cascade and how the receptors inside the vagina function. That challenge gave birth to our Rebuilding formulation with Pregnenolone which has been successfully enjoyed by tens of thousands of women across America. We will overcome this challenge as well, with the birth of our NEW gel form of the Happy Hoo Hoo – Voluptuous Va-JJ & Intimate Voluptuous Va-JJ.
You may like to know that Dr. Karen is now a recipient of Medicare! She turned 65 last year! She has been dedicated to you - practicing, studying and designing new ways to help you her entire career. She has not lost a single ounce of motivation to keep you protected from both big Pharma and the serious shortage of physicians understanding the importance of compounded bioidentical hormones, their extremely safe use both topically and vaginally, and their benefits for your overall vibrant health and wellbeing.
We hope you will stay with us on this journey to create new versions of Happy Hoo Hoo with our NEW Voluptuous Va-JJ gel products and continue to benefit from the true benefits of bioidenticals for the vagina, just as before, albeit in a slightly different form of delivery.
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