Biggest Anti-Aging Secrets
3 Anti-aging Weight Loss Secrets during Midlife Years.
Do you want to know what it is?
It's a 3 part system.
- Happy Sex Hormones
- Happy Adrenal Glands
- Happy Gut
1. Happy Sex Hormones: The first key to keeping your figure is to make sure your sex hormones are balanced. Yes, it's true, we really do gain weight, especially around our mid-section during our midlife years.
Initially supporting the decline of progesterone is all you need. Progesterone declines faster than Estrogen starting around age 40 and causes "Estrogen Dominance." A little over the counter Progesterone goes a long way in taking care of that problem (and it helps so many other things too.) Our Young Hormones Progesterone only product is Hormone Protect.
Then as you get closer to menopause, supporting estrogen and progesterone levels are important. Our Young Hormones products with estrogen and progesterone are Hormone Heaven and Hormone Support.
2. Happy Adrenal Glands: The second thing you want to do is take care of your Adrenal Glands. Sure Progesterone, which is your calming sex hormone, is the first step, in supporting your Adrenal Glands because Progesterone actually goes on to make Cortisol, your main anti-inflammatory hormone produced in the Adrenal Glands. The second step is making sure your Adrenals have the support they need with Adaptogens. Adaptogens are herbs that help your Adrenal glands heal from years of stress and fatigue.
3. Happy Gut: The third thing is GI Detox / Cleanse to heal Leaky Gut, which just about everyone has to some degree unless they have already worked on their Gut. A GI cleanse and detox will turn on your fat burning signals while you remove toxins that have been building up from food and other toxic exposures that we face daily in our lives. In addition to boosting your metabolism, a GI detox / cleanse also boosts your immune function!
So yes ... this is a very brief overview ... and there are other pieces to each of these 3 key areas ... but these are the ones you can think about and put your mind to achieving.
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